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Over time, friends and acquaintances tin grow apart. Although y'all may not be equally shut every bit yous one time were, it is still important to maintain a connection with people who you care about. There are so many easy ways to stay in contact with your friends, from a simple telephone call or writing a letter to tagging each other in funny pictures on Instagram.

  1. 1

    Commit to regular phone calls. Yous and your friend volition likely have busy schedules, but you tin can brand plans to call each other regularly. Work out a fourth dimension that is best for both of y'all via text or email, offset.[1]

    • In one case you brand a commitment to telephone call, brand sure you stick to it.
    • Make sure you lot are aware of fees or usage charges with your phone provider. These will vary based on carrier.
  2. 2

    Choice a fourth dimension to call that works with your schedule. Since your planned calls volition have to coordinate with both schedules, pick a fourth dimension where you know yous'll be free to talk. This might mean calling while you're on your commute to or from work. If you're really busy, you might even call from the gym or while y'all're cooking dinner.[ii]

    • Make certain this is a time where you tin can devote some attention to actually listening and talking.


  3. three

    Endeavor out video calling for a face-to-face chat. Most smartphones take video calling capabilities, which permit you to see and be seen by your friend during your conversation. Some phones, like iPhones, take built-in apps for video chatting such as FaceTime, just in that location are also apps such as Skype which volition let you lot to call any smartphone for free.[3]

    • Video chatting will allow you feel like you're in the aforementioned room with your friend. You can as well show them your environs and let them feel like they're there with you!


  1. one

    Keep an ongoing chat for updates about each other's lives. Having an open text message chat with someone is a great way to keep in touch. You lot can both reply when you have free fourth dimension, and y'all'll keep each other updated on your twenty-four hour period-to-twenty-four hour period life.[4]

    • In this example, neither of you lot volition feel pressured to answer if y'all're too busy. You can just text a response whenever yous accept a free moment!
  2. ii

    Chat using online apps. Apps such as WhatsApp, Skype, WeChat, or Facebook Messenger tin can allow you to remain in contact throughout the twenty-four hours. Sending funny pictures, quick updates about your day, or merely letting them know what's going on can help yous remain close.[5]

    • These apps are especially useful if your friend or friends live in foreign countries because they won't accuse you per message for "texting" to a different country.
  3. 3

    Kickoff a grouping chat if you lot have multiple friends you'd like to keep in contact with. If yous take a group of 3 or more friends who similar to keep in affect, yous tin commencement a group chat to send text messages to each other where everyone tin can see them at once. There are even apps such as GroupMe that work via WiFi and data to avoid costly messaging fees.[6]

    • Brand certain to also maintain personal friendships with the members of your group conversation past taking the time to text or phone call them individually on occasion.


  1. 1

    Write an email. If yous accept their email address, yous can write a 'letter' online and send it to their virtual inbox. Writing an email is longer and contains more information than a text message, so yous can update them on more of your life and enquire them questions about how they're doing.[7]

    • To outset an ongoing chain of emails where you respond to one some other over fourth dimension, include some questions at the close of your e-mail for them to respond to.
    • For example, y'all could ask "How is your family unit doing?" Yous tin can also enquire more than specific questions well-nigh your shared interests, such equally "Did you lot meet the football game on Sunday? What did you think most the quarterback'south performance?"
  2. 2

    Write letters for a more than traditional approach. Everyone loves to receive mail that isn't a bill or ad. Grab some blank paper, a pen, and write a letter to your friend to update them most your life. You can write at any fourth dimension of the mean solar day and mail your letter knowing that they will have enough of time to answer without interrupting their busy life.

    • The general setup for a alphabetic character is to include a greeting, some personal information well-nigh your life, and ask questions for them to answer to in their respond.
  3. 3

    Post a quirky greeting menu to surprise them. Cards are inexpensive and piece of cake to observe, and a nifty way to let someone know you're thinking most them. Simply add a quick bulletin, sign your proper name, add your postage, and drop information technology in the mailbox![8]

    • You tin opt to send cards out regularly for holidays and/or birthdays.
  4. 4

    Ship a small souvenir if it reminds you of your friend. A book, craft, or even a gift card that your friend will like will allow them know that y'all intendance. Postage for a larger gift will be a little scrap more expensive than a regular envelope, but you tin can also look into using Amazon to ship a gift to a friend'south accost direct.[9]

    • If you aren't interested in sending gifts or can't, you don't have to. In that location are many other ways to proceed in touch!
    • It's not necessary to practise this frequently. You could save a pocket-sized gift that you plant to send for their birthday or a special vacation.


  1. one

    Tag your friend on Facebook to allow them know yous found something they might like. Facebook allows users to tag friends in pictures, videos, and posts that they come across. If y'all call back they might like something you've seen, tag them or share it with them! [10]

    • You can too transport posts directly through the Facebook Messenger app, which is more individual and does not let other people to see that you have tagged them in the mail service.
  2. 2

    Share Tweets that you retrieve your friend might like. Twitter allows you to send direct letters, which are another class of conversation. Y'all can share tweets and thoughts directly with your friend in the app. On Twitter, they can too retweet and answer to your tweets, as long equally it's under 280 characters!

    • You lot can also tag them in replies to Tweets by using their username and the "@" symbol.
  3. 3

    Tag your friend in memes on Instagram to make them express mirth. Instagram allows you lot to share posts with friends directly within the app, in addition to allowing members to "tag" other users in posts that they might enjoy. You tin can also share personal photos and videos of your daily life. This is a great way to get visual updates on your friend and interact with their posts.[xi]

  4. iv

    Start a Snapchat streak to send daily pictures. Snapchat is a messaging app that allows yous to send pictures that disappear later a gear up amount of time. Yous tin add fun filters to your pictures and ship quick Snaps to your friend to let them know what yous're up to throughout the day.[12]

    • Snapchat notifies you with a fire emoji when you take sent snaps back and forth multiple days in a row. Keeping the "streak" going for long periods of time is a fun activity and gives yous incentive to keep snapping.
  5. 5

    Share Pinterest pins with each other to get inspired. If you lot and your friend share a common love of cooking, baking, or craft, yous might enjoy creating a collaborative board on Pinterest. This can give you ideas for activities to do together when yous're able to see each other. Yous tin can also tackle some pins on your own and compare results!


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    What if I don't know my friend's social media name, phone number, or address?

    Community Answer

    Search their proper name on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Unless they have a very common name, you should exist able to discover them. You tin can also ask any mutual friends yous might have if they know the person'due south telephone number or social media name.

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  • Reach out when yous have free time, but don't experience obligated to devote a lot of time to texting, calling, or emailing with friends. Sometimes, you will have other priorities.

  • Your friendship might go through different stages of advice, but recollect that your friend cares nearly you no matter how ofttimes you might talk.

  • If possible, make plans to run into in person on a regular basis, such as once per year or every few months.

  • If you oasis't spoken in a while, information technology'due south all-time to beginning off by saying your proper noun. Your vocalism may have changed, or they may have lost your phone number.


  • Don't bombard your friend with several messages a twenty-four hours. Seek their level of involvement likewise.

  • Don't fake a high level of interest in them. Yous may experience weary afterward a while. Try to like them for who they are and and then be as interested as you like.



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